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Archive for January 11, 2012

[120111]SNSD’s Sooyoung visits Park Seung Il who suffers from ALS to cheer him up

SNSD’s Sooyoung visited Park Seung Il, a former basketball coach currently suffering from ALS(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and shared hope.

On January 7, a friend of Park’s uploaded several pictures under the title of “Sooyoung(SNSD)’s beautiful participation” on his online cafe, “ALS Shared with Park Seung Il.”

The pictures were taken when Sooyoung visited Park’s room in the hospital. In the pictures, Sooyoung is brightly smiling in a friendly pose with Park lying on the bed. She visited Park to say Happy New Year. This is her second visit for New Year’s Day since last year.

The friend of Park’s wrote, “SNSD’s Sooyoung helped us carry out our first plan for this year. Sooyoung said she was shy because she didn’t wear any makeup at first. However, she willingly posed for the camera, saying this is something she has to do if she can inform about ALS to more people. I really thank her kindness.”

It has been reported that Park is a special friend of Sooyoung’s. Sooyoung has often visited Park to cheer him up after he said he was a fan of Sooyoung’s.

Park debuted as a basketball player affiliated to KIA Motors in 1994 and was a basketball coach of the youth team by 2002. In 2003, ALS occurred in him, and he has lived under medical treatment until now.

Source: Starnews
Credit: korea.com

[120111]1 million copies shipped!

On January 11th, Japan’s internet daily ‘RBB Today’ stated that 1 million copies of Girls’ Generation’s 1st Japanese album ‘Girls’ Generation’ had been shipped since its release in June 2011.

According to Oricon, 1st Japanese album ‘Girls’ Generation’ recorded sales of 680,000 copies as of January 5th. With the release of the repackaged album on December 28th, 2011 which took the no.2 spot on Oricon Weekly Chart (January 9th) after recording a total weekly sales of 82,768 copies, the accumulative sales of ‘Girls’ Generation’ and its repackaged album had gone up to 735,000 copies. Thus, It is just a matter of time before ‘Girls’ Generation’ becomes a million-certified album by RIAJ.

By hitting the 7 figures, Girls’ Generation will be among the first (if not the first) Korean girl groups to have a million-selling album. It has been 7 years since BoA sold over a million copies for her ‘Best of Soul’ album (1.09 million copies) in February 2005.

Credit: hiros2008@Twitter/cj.net/fanwonder.com

120110 Taeyeon and Seohyun’s ‘dangerous boy’ shows favoritism, humiliating Seohyun

During the January 8th broadcast of JTBC ‘Girls‘ Generation and the Dangerous Boys‘, Girls‘Generation‘s Seohyun was humiliated by ‘dangerous boy’ Hwae Hoon.

On this day, the dangerous boys were given the task of creating a Christmas tree and writing a card to their Girls’ Generation mentor.

The members of Girls’ Generation looked surprised as soon as they saw the tree. When the boys revealed that they had also written the girls Christmas cards, the members showed aegyo and asked the boys to read the letters to them.

Eventually, one by one, the boys read the letters they had written for their mentors. In particular, Hwae Hoon kept glancing over at Seohyun as he read his letter to her. However, after he had read Seohyun’s letter and it was his turn to read his letter to Taeyeon, Hwae Hoon turned bright red and didn’t know what to do. He started off by reading Taeyeon’s card, beginning, “To Taeyeon noona, a natural goddess noona” – surprising Seohyun by his favoritism towards Taeyeon.

Seohyun compared, “From the first line, I’m just Seohyun noona, but Taeyeon unnie is a natural goddess?”

Hwae Hoon continued, “I like Seohyun noona, too, but I think I like Taeyeon noona more.” Seohyun tried to play it cool, stating, “That can happen. Since he’s only human.”

Hwae Hoon finished off, reading, “When I look at you, noona, I feel like I’m looking at the sun.” – causing the members to cringe at the cheesiness of his letter.

But then, Sooyoung revealed, “He didn’t read the last line” – putting out her hand, asking for the card. Hwae Hoon defended himself, “It’s the same” – hiding the card. Sooyoung stated, “No. I have to see it”– demanding Hwae Hoon to show her the card.

Eventually, Hwae Hoon read the ending, stating, “Being too pretty is cheating. Red card” – causing Taeyeon to burst out in laughter. YoonA joked with Hwae Hoon, saying, “You get a red card”. Seohyun showed her disappointment, saying, “I’m hurt. I’m not going to call you.”

Check out the hilarious english-subbed clip below.

Source: Allkpop

[120111]Cine21 Interviews Sunny About ‘Koala Kid: Birth of a Great Hero’

Cine21, a Korean website that delivers news on movies, recently interviewed Sunny and SHINee’s Taemin on their new movie “Koala Kid: Birth of a Great Hero”. Sunny and Taemin voice the main characters in this animated film, and talked about their thoughts on dubbing the movie and the movie itself.

(Editor’s Note: Only questions with Sunny’s answers were included in this translation. Non-Sunny parts were omitted.)

-I think Sunny would have been told that she looks like a koala.
While dubbing, I was told many times that I looked like a koala, but after hearing what Taemin said, I think our habits are more similar. I also sleep a lot and eat a lot. (Laughs) (TL note: In the previous question that was omitted, Taemin was asked if he liked koalas. He stated how koalas sleep twenty hours a day and eat or relax for the other four hours.)

-How did you feel when you were cast for a voice appearance?
Honestly, at first, I thought of it as something easy. I think it’s because I enjoyed watching Disney animations when I was little, so I only thought of it as something good. But after watching the video the staff gave me and reading the script, I couldn’t do it. I was surprised. I wondered and worried about how I would do this, but when I went to record, the staff was really nice. Normally, I’m reserved, so it was a relief that they were kind and were patient with my voice acting.

-That’s surprising, because you don’t seem shy at all on variety shows like “Invincible Youth”.
Sunny: I have a bit of a switch for (TV) shows.
Taemin: As expected, a true celebrity!

-Other Girls’ Generation members, Taeyeon and Seohyun, did voice acting for “Super Bad”. Did they give you any help?
They recorded for four days. I really didn’t have enough time so I had to complete everything (Sunny’s recording) in two days. When I told them that (I only had two days), they told me to practice a lot, and that overreacting will be more natural for animated films and more fun for viewers.

-Johnny (Taemin’s character) has a bit of a shy and hesitant personality, whereas Miranda is assertive. Were there any special requests made by the director for your voices to fit the different characteristics?
Miranda is charismatic and a bit of a strong character. It was really difficult expressing that with just my voice. It’d be a different story if I was showing the actions. When I first listened to it, it sounded stiff and awkward. But the director and staff explained the situation to me well, asking what I thought about certain scenes, so I was able to grasp the character.

-Johnny and Miranda constantly bicker and end up falling in love. I heard you recorded this separately. I think your fingers would curl a bit at that scene.
Sunny: I heard what Taemin recorded first. I recorded over that, but I laughed a lot when I first heard Taemin’s voice. The director asked me why I was laughing, so I said, “Nothing. But how did Taemin record this? It’s so embarrassing.”
Taemin: I recorded embarrassingly. [Laughs] After Sunny Noona’s recording, I re-recorded for edits. The first recording was a lot worse than what will be shown on screen.

-I heard the toughest thing when dubbing for the first time are the exclamations. How was it?
There’s a scene in which Johnny and Miranda fall riding a lizard, as if they’re bobsledding. Taemin recorded a three-stage “Eu-ah~ Eu-ah~ Eu-ah~” stiffly. I laughed a lot when I heard it. After hearing my recording of it, the director said, “Sunny, you’re not one to be laughing at someone else.” (Laughs)

-Is there a memorable scene from “Koala Kid”?
Taemin: Hm. The ending was most memorable. There’s a kissing scene between Miranda and Johnny. It came out really beautifully.
Sunny: The first time I watched it, I got kind of angry when I saw that during the last scene. How could a koala have a kiss scene… I’ve never even had one… (Laughs) I went to watch the scene again when I went to record, and thought, “Ah~ That scene was beautiful.”

-Do you have any desire to actually act, not just dub?
Girls’ Generation members will be acting in many dramas and such early this year. I want satisfaction from watching that. I actually don’t have any thoughts on traditional dramas, but I have received similar questions. If I say, “I wouldn’t dare try out serious acting”, I don’t know if it’s a good comparison, but it’s like saying, “I don’t want to marry (South Korean actor) Won Bin.” (Laughs) It’s like I’m taking the cake before it’s been offered, so I’m careful when speaking about it. I want to try acting when I get a little more confidence. I couldn’t receive as many acting lessons as compared to other members. I think it’s only right to do so after learning the basics.

Source: Cine21
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshifed
Edited by: residentbenchwarmer@soshified
Credit: Soshified

[120111]Girls’ Generation’s Japanese Album Surpasses One Million Shipments Mark

Girls’ Generation’s first Japanese album “Girls’ Generation”, which was released last year on June 1st, surpassed the one million copy shipments mark on January 11th, half a year later.

The only other albums to pass this mark were BoA’s “Listen to My Heart” in 2002 with 1.29 million copies, “Valenti” with 1.4 million copies in 2003, and “Best of Soul” with 1.2 million copies in 2005. Being a Korean girl group, surpassing the one million copy shipments mark for the first time is an amazing accomplishment for Girls’ Generation.

Girls’ Generation took the top spot on the Oricon chart in their first appearance, and stayed in the top ten for thirteen weeks, a record for a “long-seller” (artists usually stay in the top ten on the Oricon chart for an average of one to two months, so thirteen weeks is especially long for a foreign artist). With the repackaged version of the girls’ first Japanese album being released on December 28th, the album came back onto Oricon’s weekly chart at number two, and with this passed the one million shipments mark.

The Limited First Press and the Normal editions of Girls’ Generation’s repackaged Japanese album, “The Boys”, may be purchased by clicking on the links.

Sources: Asahi
Translated by: arghninja@soshified
Edited by: LetsGo@soshified, residentbenchwarmer@soshified
Credit: Soshified

[120110]All set for ’26th Golden Disk Awards’

In the evening of January 10th, Girls’ Generation departed for Japan through Gimpo Airport to attend the ’26th Golden Disk Awards’ which will be held in Kyocera Dome, Osaka on January 11th and 12th.

This is the first time that the ‘Golden Disk Awards’ will be held in Japan and it will feature various performances from 23 artists comprising of Girls’ Generation, Super Junior, Kara, CN Blue, Beast, Secret, Jay Park, etc.

In 2010, Girls’ Generation bagged 3 awards at the ’25th Golden Disk Awards‘ – Disk Daesang, Disk Bonsang and Ceci Popularity Award.

On day 1 (January 11th), the Album Awards will be presented while the Digital Album Awards presentation will take place on day 2 (January 12th). On both days, the award ceremony will kick off at 6.30pm JST. Based on the program schedule published on the official site, Girls’ Generation will be performing on the second day, January 12th.

The prestigious annual music award ceremony will be aired throughout both Korea and Japan via JTBC (Korea) and CS Asahi (Japan).

Credit: bntnews.co.kr/isplus.live.joinsmsn.com/fanwonder.com

[120111]Sunny Receives Praise for Her Hard Work in ‘Koala Kid’

The large amount of effort that Sunny put into voice acting for “Koala Kid: Birth of a Great Hero” is drawing praise from the director of the movie.

The movie’s director, Lee KyungHo, said he has “fallen for Sunny” after seeing how hard she works. “We had to record at the end of the year, but because Girls’ Generation had so many schedules, we had to record at dawn. In Sunny’s case, she could look at the script (while recording), but she came with the entire thing memorized. She even matched her voice with how the mouth looks in the animation.”

Not only did she come to the recording fully prepared, but she also made sure her best work was shown. Lee KyungHo continued, “We recorded for two days, and we finished accordingly on the second day. I told Sunny, ‘I really like it, but if you think anything is weird, we can go through it again.’ Sunny said she wanted to record it again from the start, and some parts came out better [than the first time].”

Last week, Sunny attended a press conference for the film where she thanked her fellow members Taeyeon and Seohyun for their advice on dubbing for an animated movie. “Koala Kid: Birth of a Great Hero” will be released on January 12th.

Source: Star Today
Written by: MoonSoshi9@soshified
Contributor: ch0sshi@soshified
Credit: Soshified